how important is company culture when choosing your next job?

In today’s current climate, company culture has a lot of influence. It can be the deciding factor in taking a new job, or the major reason for choosing to move on from an organisation in the first instance. 

From my experiences, company culture has the capacity to influence profit, increase or decrease employee productivity and positively or negatively impact recruitment and retention. When you look for your next job - it is critical to take into account company culture. In this blog, we explore 5 key factors to look out for. 

employee retention

Employee turnover is a key indicator of company culture. To put it simply, engaged employees who are acknowledged for their contributions and challenged to continuously grow are far more likely to stay put.

alignment on mission and values

A positive company culture doesn’t just happen. It has to be clearly outlined from the onset and effectively communicated throughout the company.  It is critical for the company's leaders and employees to embrace these values and implement them in their day to day duties and responsibilities. There is an expectation that these values govern your way of working and are branded into all internal and external communications.

leaders are visible and accessible

Leaders who are transparent, accessible, true to their word and see the value in investing in their team will have the support and commitment from their employees. This attitude creates a ‘stronger together’ approach and as such, employees are more likely to feel more aligned to the goals they are working towards. 

comfortable workspaces

The physical space you work in has the capacity to impact your way of working greatly. It can determine how you feel about your job but also your employer.  Workspaces that promote collaboration between different divisions and are equipped with amenities and facilities that people care about are contributing factors to increased productivity and improved morale. 

ongoing professional development opportunities

Positive company culture and having opportunities for employees to grow, advance & gain promotions go hand in hand. This action reconfirms a company's commitment to their employees and creates a stronger sense of culture and community. 

Using a Recruitment Agency such as HR Partners can give you the ability to cut through the noise as a means to gain a really clear picture of how an organisation operates and how positive their culture is. 

If you are seeking a confidential conversation with a member from HR Partners, please reach out today. 

about the author

gianni sgualdino - consultant

Gianni is an experienced recruitment professional looking after the junior/mid level market across a range of key industries. He prides himself on his unique ability to grow long term relationships with both candidates and clients alike.

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